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All SDCCU branches and Call Center will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents' Day. Our 30,000 ATMs and mobile and online banking are available for your convenience.
All SDCCU branches and Call Center will be closed on Monday, February 17, 2025 in observance of Presidents' Day. Our 30,000 ATMs and mobile and online banking are available for your convenience.

Domestic and Foreign Wires

Incoming and Outgoing Wires

Incoming and outgoing domestic and foreign wire transfers are available for a fee. 

Incoming Domestic Wire Instructions

You will need the following information for SDCCU, the receiving institution:

Name: San Diego County Credit Union
Address: 6545 Sequence Drive, San Diego, CA 92121 
Routing Number: 322281617
Phone Number: (877) 732-2848
Account Number: The SDCCU Account Number receiving the wire

For more information about how to find your account number, click here

Incoming Foreign Wire Instructions

SDCCU does not have a Swift code to use for international incoming wires. If the funds are being wired for deposit to San Diego County Credit Union (SDCCU), you will need to utilize an intermediary bank in the United States (US) to send a wire. An intermediary institution will have the foreign codes needed to accept the funds from a financial institution outside the US. The intermediary institution in the US will receive the funds, and should then wire the funds to SDCCU using the Incoming Domestic Wire instructions above.  

Outgoing Domestic Wires 

  • Domestic outgoing wires can be accepted for same day processing until 12:30 p.m. PST Monday – Friday. 
  • Domestic wire requests initiated after 12:30 p.m. PST Monday – Friday and Saturday will be processed the next business day.
  • Domestic wires up to $2,500 in which the sender and receiver are the same, can be done by phone. Contact (877) 732-2848 for assistance.
  • Domestic wires over $2,500 or sent to a receiver not on the sending account, may be requested by visiting any of our branch locations, or by completing and returning all wire related forms by mail.  
    • The Wire Transfer Questionnaire, Wire form and the Wire Transfer Agreement and Notice must be completed and be submitted with a notarized signature.
    • Via FedEx or UPS, mail to:
      Attn: Call Center
      6545 Sequence Drive
      San Diego, CA 92121

Outgoing Foreign Wires 

Please contact the receiving financial institution to obtain the required information below. Bring all information to any of our branches to initiate your outgoing foreign wire. For same-day processing, foreign wires are accepted until 12:30 p.m. PST Monday – Friday, or by 2:30 p.m. for  next-day processing. Requests cannot be accepted after 2:30 p.m. PST Monday – Friday, or on Saturdays. 

Information Required for All Outgoing Foreign Wires

  1. Beneficiary Bank SWIFT/BIC Code
  2. Beneficiary Bank Name
  3. Beneficiary Bank Address
  4. Beneficiary Name
  5. Beneficiary Account Number
  6. Beneficiary Physical Address
  7. Wire Purpose

Country Specific Requirements

Albania1. IBAN (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = AL
2. Beneficiary Phone Number
3. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Andorra1. IBAN (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = AD
Angola1. Beneficiary Phone Number
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Argentina1. 22-Digit Account Number
2. Beneficiary Phone Number
3. Agency Code
4. CUIT Tax Id Number (11 Digits) - the Argentina issued taxpayer ID
5. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Armenia1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Australia1. Transit code (6 characters after country code AU)
Austria1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 20 Characters - Country Code = AT
Azerbaijan1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = AZ
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Bahrain1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters
Bangladesh1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Belarus1. 13-digit account number
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Belgium1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 16 Characters - Country Code = BE
Buhtan1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Bosnia & Herzegovina1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 20 Characters - Country Code = BA
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Brazil1. Beneficiary Tax ID (CPF for individuals; CNPJ for businesses) - the CPF and CNPJ are issued by the Brazilian Federal Revenue Bureau as a taxpayer and employer identification number. The CPF is 9-digits and the CNPJ consists of 14-digits.
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
3. Beneficiary Phone Number
4. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 29 Characters - Country Code = BR
5. Agency Code
Bulgaria1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = BG
Burundi1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
CanadaCanadian Sort (Transit) Code – the Canadian sort code is a 9-digit transit number that combines the receiving financial institution identification number along with the beneficiary’s bank transit number.
DD = Country Code
i = institution code, preceded by a zero
b = branch code, preceded by zero. Often includes branch locations code below
x = branch location code
Chile1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
2. Beneficiary Phone Number & Email Address
3. RUT Tax ID number
China1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
2. Beneficiary Phone Number & Email Address
Colombia1. Tax ID Number – the Colombian issued tax payer identification number
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
3. Beneficiary Phone Number & Email Address
Comoros1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Costa Rica1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 21 Characters - Country Code = CR
Croatia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 21 Characters - Country Code = HR
Cyprus1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = CY
Czech Republic1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = CZ
Denmark1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 18 Characters - Country Code = DK
2. Beneficiary Phone Number
Dominican Republic1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = DO
2. Tax ID Number (7+ digit tax ID card number & individuals 11-digit passport number individuals)
Egypt1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 29 Characters - Country Code = EG
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Estonia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 20 Characters - Country Code = EE
Faroe Islands1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 18 Characters - Country Code = FO
Finland1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 18 Characters - Country Code = FI
France1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 27 Characters - Country Code = FR
French Polynesia1. Nature of operation
Georgia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = GE
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Germany1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = DE
Ghana1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Gibraltar1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 23 Characters - Country Code = GI
Greece1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 27 Characters - Country Code = GR
Greenland1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 18 Characters - Country Code = GL
Guatemala1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = GT
2. NIT Tax ID Number
3. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Guinea1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Hong Kong1. Transit Code (3 characters after country code HK)
Hungary1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = HU
Iceland1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 26 Characters - Country Code = IS
India1. IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) Transit Code – the IFSC identifies the bank branch and is an 11-character alpha-numeric code that begins with letters and ends with digits.

2. Beneficiary Declaration – the declaration is supplemental beneficiary contact information required by the Reserve Bank of India. Along with the beneficiary name, the beneficiary phone number and/or email must be supplied for declaration.

3. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Indonesia1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Ireland1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = IE
Israel1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 23 Characters - Country Code = IL
Italy1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 27 Characters - Country Code = IT
Jordan1. IIBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 30 Characters - Country Code = JO
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Kazakhstan1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 20 Characters - Country Code = KZ
2. Beneficiary Tax ID
3. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Korea, South1. Benefeciary phone number
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Kuwait1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 30 Characters - Country Code = KW
Laos1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Latvia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 21 Characters - Country Code = LV
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Liechtenstein1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 21 Characters - Country Code = LI
Lithuania1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 20 Characters - Country Code = LT
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Luxembourg1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 20 Characters - Country Code = LU
Macai or Macao1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Macedonia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 19 Characters - Country Code = MK
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Madagascar1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Malawi1. NIB Bank ID Number
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Maldives1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Malta1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 31 Characters - Country Code = MT
Mauritania1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 27 Characters - Country Code = MK
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
MexicoCLABE (Standardized Banking Code) - a CLABE is a unique number assigned to band accounts in Mexico. It consists of 18-digits that includes the bank and branch code, as well as the beneficiary's account number which is referenced in the last part of the code.
Moldova1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Monaco1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 27 Characters - Country Code = MC
Mongolia1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Montenegro1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = ME
Morocco1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Mozambique1. NIB Bank ID Number - 21 digits
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Nepal1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Netherlands1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 18 Characters - Country Code = NL
New Caledonia1. Nature of operations
New Zealand1. Transit Code (6 characters after country code NZ)
Nigeria1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Norway1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 15 Characters - Country Code = NO
Pakistan1. IBAN (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = PK
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Palestinian Territory, Occupied1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 29 Characters - Country Code = PS
Paraguay1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Peru1. 20-Digit Account Number
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Poland1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 28 Characters - Country Code = PL
Portugal1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 25 Characters - Country Code = PT
Qatar1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 29 Characters - Country Code = QA
Romania1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = RO
Rwanda1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
San Marino1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 27 Characters - Country Code = SM
Saudi Arabia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = SA
Serbia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = RS
Sierra Leone1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Slovakia1.IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = SK
Slovenia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 19 Characters - Country Code = SI
South AfricaTransit Code (6 characters after country code ZA)
Spain1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = ES
Sweden1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = SE
Switzerland1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 21 Characters - Country Code = CH
Taiwan1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Tanzania1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Thailand1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire
Tunisia1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = TN
Turkey1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 26 Characters - Country Code = TR
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
United Arab Emirates1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 23 Characters - Country Code = AE
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
United Kingdom1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 22 Characters - Country Code = GB
Uzbekistan1. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Vietnam1. Account type
2. Wire Purpose - information stating the purpose of the wire.
Virgin Islands1. IBAN Number (International Bank Account Number) 24 Characters - Country Code = VG
Wallis and Futuna1. Nature of operation

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